
Mr.Trung Ion Chromatography would write his experiences and knowledge about technical issues, applications and others to help the end users can understand well, practice perfectly, accurate analysis and keep long life-time when using Ion Chromatography Systems and Consumables.

You can follow Mr. Trung Ion Chromatography at the following channels:

Fanpage: Mr. Trung Ion Chromatography

Youtube:  Sắc ký ion - Ion Chromatography

Zalo OA:  Thiết bị phân tích sắc ký ion Mr Trung

Sample Treatment in Ion Chromatography
How to choose Ion Chromatography System with Conductivity Detector
Overview of Ion Chromatography and Analyzed targets of Testing Labs in Viet Nam
How to Prepare Hydroxide Eluent
Errors and Issues regards to Dionex Ion Chromatography Systems
Thermo Scientific column cleanup protocol when getting high pressure and contaminants on column
Issues regards to Thermo Scientific Dionex Sofware Chromeleon 6.8 and Chromeleon 7
Issues happen on Thermo Scientific Dionex Ion Chromatography System
Errors on Themo Scienticfic Pump ICS 3000/5000/6000
Guiding how to use Chromeleon 6.8
Guiding how to use Chromeleon 7
The Demand for High Quality Used Ion Chromatography System in Vietnam
Thermo Scientific Online Knowledgebase: Ion Chromatography and Others
How to improve LOD in Ion Chromatography
Guide how to perform Performance Qualification/Operation Qualification  on Thermo Scientific Dionex  Ion Chromatography System